Who is David Esker?

For most of my life I have had an interest in solving the paradox of how the dinosaurs grew so large. This interest began when I was boy, not long after I built a large kite as part of a contest. The plan for building my large kite was simple; I just scaled up a standard diamond shape kite by multiplying all the dimensions by three. All was going well with the construction until it occurred to me that in the process of scaling up the kite the ratio between the area and volume had changed; the area of the larger kite was nine times greater while the volume was twenty seven times greater. If I used the same material as for the smaller kite, then the ratio between the weight of my kite and its area was three times greater. Hence, my larger kite would have more difficulty staying aloft in a light breeze. I had discovered the Square Cube Law that explains how size matters.
Of course I was not the first to discover the Square Cube Law; that honor goes to Galileo Galilei. In 1638 Galileo published his second major book titled Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences and in this book he explained how size matters. Galileo did not directly use the term Square Cube Law in explaining how the ratio between area and volume changes with size, but that was clearly what he was talking about. This simplistic relationship showing how the ratio between area and volume changes with size is one of most fundamental ideas in science. It is just not possible to understand numerous phenomena in physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, geology, nanotechnology, and so on without first learning how size matters. This then begs the question of why I was not taught Galileo’s Square Cube Law decades ago and why this extremely important scientific concept is still not being taught today.

Once someone has a firm understanding of Galileo’s Square Cube Law they will possibly realize that the paleontologists are misleading the public with their claims that there is nothing odd about the dinosaurs and flying pterosaurs being so large. Nevertheless, any grade school science teacher that knows about Galileo’s Square Cube Law does not feel that it is their place to tell their students that the paleontologists are wrong, and so to avoid conflict they steer away from this important scientific concept. The consequence of this is that nearly all students, scientists, engineers, and even other science teachers have never heard of Galileo’s Square Cube Law.
Decades passed between when I recognized the importance of questioning science authorities until when I made a serious effort to solve the problem of how the dinosaurs grew so large. In the years in between, I earned my physics degrees and made a hobby of studying geology and other science disciplines helpful to my quest. I was well established in a rewarding career as a college physics instructor when I began my serious investigation of the large dinosaurs’ paradox.
When I began my investigation of the large dinosaur' paradox I had no idea what to expect. The idea that an extremely thick atmosphere might solve the problem came as a surprised me. My initial gut feeling was ‘no, that can’t be it’. but then when I tried to disprove it the evidence continued to pour in showing that not only does the thick atmosphere solve the large dinosaurs' paradox but numerous other scientific paradoxes as well. At this point I knew that I had discovered something that was extremely important and yet I still thought of it as being just another accomplishment of my career as a physics instructor. I had no idea that this was going to change my life and unfortunately not for the better.
I should have paid closer attention to the historical record of what usually happens to the scientists who make paradigm shifting revolutionary discoveries. In most cases it does not go well, at least not while the scientist is still alive. I suppose that I should count myself as being lucky since now that I am retired my life is starting to get back to normal.
I enjoyed being an outstanding college physics instructor and so it was never my ambition to make these revolutionary scientific discoveries. However I have an active and curious mind that came from overcoming dyslexia while earning my advanced physics degrees. By sharing my scientific thoughts and discoveries I just wanted to do my part in creating a better, more rational world. Sadly though, most authoritarians today are determined to take society in the opposite direction.

Photoshop is much easier than time travel.
Currently, being a free thinking scientist does not appear to be a rewarding adventure. Nevertheless, for those who still want to pursue this path I have this advice.
- You will never be first by following the crowd, so you better learn how to think for yourself.
- Be highly skeptical of any and all scientific beliefs that are backed up by nothing more than the ‘consensus of scientists’. The only reason why scientists will use this argument is because they are struggling to find evidence supporting their belief. Hence, the ‘consensus of scientists’ argument is a red flag indicating that most likely the belief is wrong.
- Believe strongly in a rational reality. Remember, there has got to be a reason for every observation, you just have to figure out what it is.
- Be curious, the oddity or outliner that others will push to the side or try to ignore, that is your invitation to the next big scientific discovery.
- Being really good at science requires intense studying and serious effort. If you want to be the best, then you have to work harder than the rest.
Please feel free to contact me if you have a question or comment.
Sincerely,David Esker
M.S. Physics
College Physics Instructor
Resolution of the Large Dinosaur Paradox
Science of Flight Equations
Theory of Planetary Evolution
Author of DinosaurTheory