It is Time for Change
The most fundamental premise of science is that we exist in a rational reality. It is an uplifting alternative to man's earlier belief that our world makes no sense. It is a perspective that enables scientists and inventers to push on to solve problems and make discoveries that are critical to technologically advancing our society.

The scientists that attended this conference made the most important discoveries of Modern Physics.
However, science today is in a rut. In physics, contrary to the idea that science is steadily moving forward, the vast majority of the most recent discoveries in physics, collectively known as Modern Physics, are discoveries that were made nearly a century ago. In geology and planetary science, scientists have failed to correctly answer such fundamental questions as where did the Earth's ocean water come from, what is the source of the Earth's internal heat, or what could cause the Earth's magnetic field to flip between north and south poles? Meanwhile, the paleontologists have had nearly two hundred years to solve the paradox of how the dinosaurs and flying pterosaurs grew so large, and yet today they are no closer to solving this problem than when they started.
While scientific advances often go hand in hand with technology advances, technology, or the lack of technology is currently not the main factor impeding the advancement of science. Rather, science is not moving forward because of the censorship of new scientific ideas. Without regard for what is best for science, the more established scientists reprimand and weed out the scientists who question the views of the majority.

Becoming a scientist is not easy. Even the most intelligent people must spend several years earning their science degrees and conducting research before they can make the claim of being a scientist. However, there is more. With limited advancement opportunities, aspiring scientists must show excessive submissiveness and acquiescence to receive the glowing recommendations they need to advance their careers. In fact, throughout their careers they must restrict their thoughts to be in line with the leading scientists or risk exclusion from the science community. Sadly, science is not a rewarding career for most innovative thinkers.
This is one of the most serious problems with science today. Science needs intelligent curious scientists that are capable of making important discoveries, so we must wonder why the science community aggressively drives the best people away. As usual, it is politics. If aspiring scientists were to speak freely, they might expose flaws in the dogma of the science community, and while a discussion of scientific ideas is wonderful for scientific progress, this is a threat to the prestige and power of the science elite. The science elite do what is best for themselves rather than what is best for science by establishing a science community hierarchy that filters out those who question the beliefs of the establishment.
Currently our society has divided into two groups: those that reject science along with its premise that we exist in a rational reality, and those who faithfully accept without question the beliefs promoted by the science authorities. Neither of these two groups is helpful in advancing science; however it may be possible to get science back on track if we can find science minded rational people who are willing to question leading authorities when these leading authorities are presenting beliefs that do not make any sense. Science needs real thinkers: not sheep.
If it is not possible to hold scientific beliefs accountable to the evidence, then it is highly questionable if what is being presented is actually science. Even though the vast majority of the accepted scientific ideas are correct, there are always a few popular, yet incorrect, beliefs held by members of the science community that mislead us away from the truth. Being able to challenge accepted truths is one of the attributes that distinguishes science from dogma.
"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers which can't be questioned."
Richard Feynman
While these scientists continue to claim that all is well, the truth is that they have figuratively hit a brick wall. It is not rational to hope that these people who have exerted so much effort denying the truth could ever be capable of solving these problems or even achieving the bare minimum of acknowledging the existence of these problems. Until we have major paradigm shift there is little if any chance of scientific progress.
External Links / References
Several Decades of Physicists Not Making Any Real Progress
- Why physics has not progressed for 40 years - Sabine Hossenfelder
- Science Is Getting Less Bang for Its Buck - The Atlantic
- Why String Theory Is Still Not Even Wrong - Peter Woit / Scientific American
- Why some scientists say physics has gone off the rails - NBC News
- The Golden Age of Quantum Physics (1927)
- Who’s killing physics? - Cosmos
Becoming a Scientist is Not Easy
- Professors eat their own young': how competition can stifle good science - The Guardian
- 50% of academic scientists quit after just 5 years
- Is it hard to achieve a PhD in physics? - Physics Forums
- Is it possible to get a decent job in academia (specifically physics)? - Academia
Let's be Honest, Peer Review Process is a Miserable Failure
- Peer Review Processes is Stifling Scientific Discoveries - Donald Braben and Rod Dowler
- Let's stop pretending peer review works - Julia Belluz and Steven Hoffman
- Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals - Richard Smith
- The Absurdity of Peer Review - Mark Humphries
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science - The Atlantic