How much did dinosaurs weigh? This Weighing Dinosaurs Experiment will excite your science students as they gather data and make calculations to determine the mass of their favorite dinosaurs. By submerging these dinosaur models in a bucket of water, students measure the mass of the displaced water and then calculated the mass of the actual dinosaurs. Appropriate for high school physics students and college freshmen science students.
Use Archimedes' Principle and dinosaur models to determine the mass of actual dinosaurs.
Collect data, make calculations, think about science principles.
Experiments uses authenticated dinosaur models usually only sold at museums.
Safe experiment with easy to follow instructions.
Click here to learn more about the Weighing Dinosaurs Experiment.
Weighing Dinosaurs Experiment Contents
For every size classroom, the Weighing Dinosaurs experiment consists of the same components: the students' experiment equipment and the teacher's demonstration equipment. The only difference is the number of student experiment groups. The small classroom size has four experiment sets, the medium or standard size has six experiment sets, while the large classroom size has eight experiment sets.

Teacher's Demonstration Items:
- (1) Solid Plastic Elephant
- (1) Bucket with Overflow Spout
- (2) Cups
- (1) Digital Table Scale
- (1) Digital Hanging Scale
- (4) AAA Batteries
- (1) Laminated Student Instructions
- (1) Teacher's Manual

Students' Experiment Equipment:
- (1) Solid Plastic T-Rex
- (1) Solid Plastic Triceratops
- (1) Solid Plastic Brachiosaurus
- (1) Solid Plastic Ankylosaurus
- (1) Bucket
- (1) Digital Hanging Scale
- (2) AAA Batteries
- (2) Laminated Student Instructions
- Work Sheets
- Thread

Medium Classroom Kit - $280
Large Classroom Kit - $345
Prices include Free Shipping Within the Continental United States

Single Weighing Dinosaurs Kit:
- (1) Solid Plastic Elephant
- (1) Solid Plastic T-Rex
- (1) Solid Plastic Triceratops
- (1) Solid Plastic Brachiosaurus
- (1) Solid Plastic Ankylosaurus
- (1) Bucket with Overflow Spout
- (2) Cups
- (1) Digital Table Scale
- (1) Digital Hanging Scale
- (4) AAA Batteries
- (1) Teacher's Manual
- (2) Laminated Student Instructions
- Several Work Sheets
- Thread